Video Messages from Angel Eyes Dawn Marie

The Tabytha Polaris Show
Tap Into Your Gifts with Psychic Medium Angel Eyes Dawn Marie
April 08, 2020
Tap Into Your Gifts
Listen to I’ve Got Your Number” with Lois, JoAnna and Guest Angel Eyes Dawn Marie
Dawn Marie’s Appearance on Date Night with Connie & Chrissy
Dawn Marie on Hey Z Radio Network: CosmicTuesdays
September 16, 2016
Angel Eyes Dawn Marie’s Inspirational Message for Today and Everyday!!! Just Believe!!! As you believe in the Magic of the Universe … You will see more and more magical synchronicities occur!!! Feeling so incredibly grateful, blessed and excited!!! Sending many blessings of Peace, Love and Light!!! Namaste!!!! Love you all!!!
Angel Eyes Dawn Marie’s Inspirational Message for Today and Everyday!!! Just Believe!!! As you believe in the Magic of the Universe … You will see more and more magical synchronicities occur!!! Feeling so incredibly grateful, blessed and excited!!! Sending many blessings of Peace, Love and Light!!! Namaste!!!! Love you all!!!
August 24, 2016
Hello my friends here is a video post I felt guided to share!! Yes it is from a few months ago and no, I was not driving!!! It is all about spreading the peace, love and light!! Love you guys!!! Namaste!!!
Hello my friends here is a video post I felt guided to share!! Yes it is from a few months ago and no, I was not driving!!! It is all about spreading the peace, love and light!! Love you guys!!! Namaste!!!
August 16, 2016
Okay… So!!!! As you know I love, love, love, teaching classes at the Center, but I have to say it’s nice to have a night off (not working 2 jobs) and to relax, have fun, writing, texting and chatting, connecting on emails, Facebook… ect. You are intuitive I think you get it…. Sorry my love Clem you’re not feeling well sending you healing while you sleep (send healing please my angel peeps.) Thank you!!!
Okay… So!!!! As you know I love, love, love, teaching classes at the Center, but I have to say it’s nice to have a night off (not working 2 jobs) and to relax, have fun, writing, texting and chatting, connecting on emails, Facebook… ect. You are intuitive I think you get it…. Sorry my love Clem you’re not feeling well sending you healing while you sleep (send healing please my angel peeps.) Thank you!!!
Love Love Love ….Love Love Love!!
Since I am guided I am going to share a video post from my birthday 8/5/2016. It’s raw, unedited, messy and maybe that is what the world needs to hear? Right?
Sending many blessings of peace, love and light!!!
July 11, 2016
Good Morning everyone !!! I hope you all had an amazing weekend. Here is an inspirational video post that I took yesterday, right before Shareane’s Class at the Long Island Healing Arts & Learning Center.
Good Morning everyone !!! I hope you all had an amazing weekend. Here is an inspirational video post that I took yesterday, right before Shareane’s Class at the Long Island Healing Arts & Learning Center.
Shareane is back home now but should be coming back Dec 10th weekend, I will confirm when we know for sure.
It’s all about Intentions!!!
June 8, 2016
Angel Eyes Dawn Marie’s inspirational message for Wednesday – mid week !!!
Angel Eyes Dawn Marie’s inspirational message for Wednesday – mid week !!!
Video posting is new to me and this morning I accidentally deleted my video message from Sunday. So I was guided to post this today. I took it a few weeks ago and never posted it. Maybe there is a reason???
Again uncut/unedited and raw!!! Enjoy!!!
Make is a magical day!!! Namaste!!!
May 21, 2016
At the Long Island Healing Arts and Learning Center getting ready for the Advanced Class!!! Thank you Laura and Terry for this amazing center!!! Thanks Darina and Karen to be part of this impromptu video!!! Love you guys!!! Namaste!!! Long Island Healing Arts & Learning Center.
At the Long Island Healing Arts and Learning Center getting ready for the Advanced Class!!! Thank you Laura and Terry for this amazing center!!! Thanks Darina and Karen to be part of this impromptu video!!! Love you guys!!! Namaste!!! Long Island Healing Arts & Learning Center.